Keep kids in your organization safe.

Find out more below!

How do I prevent abuse in my organization?

As a best practice, your organization should regularly train and background screen all employees and volunteers who interact with kids. 

Organizations should also educate parents, kids, and teen volunteers.

Are the child abuse prevention training courses in-person or online?

All Compass abuse prevention training courses for adults are 100% online. 

For children and teen safety programs, Compass provides online training for a parent or facilitator to present in-person age-appropriate training. 

I want to get started with training but I’m not sure where to start. Which course should my organization get first?

Introduction to Child Abuse is the most popular course and is recommended as a foundational first class.

Do I need to purchase a course for each employee and volunteer in my organization?

Yes. You can purchase as many courses as you need, assign them to your employees and volunteers, and track their compliance.

Can I pay all at once on a business credit card?

Yes. You can purchase as many courses as you need, assign them to your employees and volunteers, and track their compliance.

Are there any price discounts?

Yes, there are discounts for bulk purchases, they are calculated automatically at checkout:

25 Courses – 25% OFF
50 Courses – 50% OFF
100 Courses – 55% OFF
200 Courses – 60% OFF
400 Courses – 65% OFF
500 Courses – 70% OFF

Is there only one login for my organization?

Each trainee will have their own username and password but only the administrator will have administrative access to assign courses and track progress.

What happens if there’s technical issues, like a forgotten password?

All Compass clients have access to a fantastic tech support team via phone or email.

Are the training courses only for adults?

In addition to training courses for adults, Compass offers training for parents, children, and teen volunteers.

Why does my organization need training and background checks?

It is important to background screen and train every person in your organization who comes in contact with children. Without full compliance, your organization is left vulnerable to serious financial harm if any allegation is made. Implementing child protection compliance avoids any unnecessary risks.

Do you have abuse prevention training for other vulnerable populations, such as the elderly?

Yes. Compass offers training for organizations that work with adult populations that are vulnerable to abuse. Whether you run a nursing home or offer in-home services, Compass helps you make sure that your organization is protecting seniors and adults with disabilities.

Do you have online training for preventing abuse in Spanish?

Yes, Compass offers online training classes for abuse prevention in both English and Spanish.

Do you have training for my church or synagogue about preventing abuse, professional boundaries and behaviors, and keeping kids safe?

Yes, CatholicChristian, and Jewish organizations can find faith-based abuse prevention training. 

How do I know if my organization is at risk?

As the head of your organization, you’ll get access to automated compliance reports. You’ll also be notified if there are any red flags that result from background check

Our organization is very small. Is Compass still the right solution for us?

There are no minimums. You can order just one background check or train just a couple people. Courses start at just $10 each and they include all of the reporting features.

How do I know who needs background checks and training?

Every person in your organization who interacts with children needs regular training on preventing abuse, professional behaviors and boundaries, as well as background check screening.

I read all the FAQs but I still have questions about the best way to protect kids and what our group should be doing. Who can I ask about what we should do?

Please contact us and someone on our customer support team will get back to  you shortly.

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