Compass Abuse Prevention Services.

Keep Your Organization Safe

with online child abuse prevention training and background checks

compass abuse prevention services

Are you doing everything you can to protect children?

Is your organization at risk?

Meet Compass Abuse Prevention Services.

Explore Safety Programs

prevent child abuse

Why Compass

keep kids safe with volunteers

Budget Friendly

At only $10/course, Compass fits every organization’s budget.

Time Saver

Automated tracking and reporting – no data entry required.

One-Stop Compliance

Background checks included. All the info you need, in one location.

Begin with Basics

Beginner Abuse Prevention
/ training

  • 1 Training Course for Everyone
  • Training Includes Abuse Prevention
  • Available in both English and Spanish
  • Add Background Checks
  • Tracking and Reporting
  • Faith-based organizations can choose Catholic, Christian, or Jewish training

Get Safety Basics

Start with Safety

Foundational Abuse Prevention
$19 – $29
/ training

  • Employee & Volunteer Training
  • Supervisor Training
  • Board & Executive Training
  • Training Includes Abuse Prevention, Workplace Harassment, and More
  • Available in both English and Spanish
  • Add Background Checks
  • Tracking and Reporting
  • Faith-based organizations can choose Catholic, Christian, or Jewish training

Get Started with Safety

Protect with Purpose

Comprehensive Abuse Prevention
$19 – $59
/ training

  • Employee & Volunteer Training
  • Supervisor Training
  • Board & Executive Training
  • Training Includes Abuse & Trafficking Prevention, Workplace Harassment, Ethics, and More
  • Available in both English and Spanish
  • Add Background Checks
  • Tracking and Reporting
  • Faith-based organizations can choose Catholic, Christian, or Jewish training

Get in-depth abuse prevention

Design Your Own Safety Program

Comprehensive training for adults, teen volunteers, children, and parents.

Choose the safety program that works best for your organization.

Faith-based organizations can explore Catholic, Christian, and Jewish Safety Programs.

Discover Trainings and Background Checks

abuse prevention for organizations


(updated May 15, 2024)
Online Courses
People Trained
Children Kept Safe

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